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Epoch - What is known about it?

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#1 Guitar


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 12:25 PM

Hello everyone.

I need to know as much as possible about the Epoch technology. As many technical specs as can be found. I would ask over at fruit-forums but over there seems to be plauged by arguements.

I cannot promise an epoch emulator at the end of this but if all the information needed is found then its a (albeit slim) possibility.

I need to know everything about the technical side. Protection used, schematics, what IC's are used, everything.

I have never even seen an epoch MPU board so I'm a bit blind on that side.

I have my dad who is willing to code the core and teach me how to add bits to that core to finish the project. But I need to tel him how each bit of the board works.

ANY information that is given is a good thing no matter how small.

I have every faith that it can be done (over time) but I need resources. If anyone can provide technical info it will help.

Please keep this thread clear from telling me it can't be done, I already know its hard, if it wasn't it would be done already.


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#2 mocochoco


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 12:30 PM

Have you read all the old threads on the epoch emu over at FF Guitar? Including the older masterclass ones?

Because I'm almost 100% sure than ANY and EVERY bit of info anyone has on epoch will have already been brought up on previous attempts.

"The cue tip is the most important thing, give me a broomstick with a good tip on it and il shoot the lights out, then sweep the joint when im done" (Willie Mosconi)

#3 Guitar


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 12:33 PM

Have you read all the old threads on the epoch emu over at FF Guitar? Including the older masterclass ones?

Because I'm almost 100% sure than ANY and EVERY bit of info anyone has on epoch will have already been brought up on previous attempts.

Looks like I'm gong to have to go back over it all. I just wondered if anything new had come up. I just need to make sure that any (even tiny) bits of information aren't assumed to be known already. I will go back over old threads and try and collate the information together.

Am I correct in thinking that there was some kind of Pic chip interacting with a microprocessor that became the wwhole processor?

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#4 Guitar


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 12:33 PM

Plus you never know when an ex Maygay employee might be watching silently. :)

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#5 TTX


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 04:26 PM

Here's the technical manual, just in case you haven't already got it.

Attached Files

#6 edwardb


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 07:40 PM

Well, having written about...oh, 6 machines on Epoch, I'd like to say I know enough about it, but to be honest there's not much to it, but it is secure enough due to the boot PIC chip.

Don't think of trying to emulate it, as it's still well used.

If you want any info (don't ask for source code, cos you ain't getting it) then let me know.

#7 prizeguy2005



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Posted 08 August 2007 - 08:12 PM

Out of interest which companies are using it? Is it been used in the european games awp market or something? Just Maygay/Impulse/Extreme(use mpu5 now part of barcrest group), games media/global/cool games use eclipse and scorpion tech I believe.

Thought epoch was effectively a reduntant tech now

#8 impact


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 08:50 PM

it is secure enough due to the boot PIC chip.

ok same as all mpu at the mo they are getting cracked each day the u10 boot ic will get cracked like all hardware can be made into software. remember that.

so you are the sod then that wrights the software to work with the mk1 lampdriver pcb`s then gets the updated onestop mod were there power transisters that deal with lamps are bigger and stronger and the change on the ic`s switch input line and the machine`s dump switch dose not work I think bad programmer

you then have the front to say
If you want any info (don't ask for source code, cos you ain't getting it) then let me know. well yes info would be nice to all u10 boot instructions

well cpu info ram device lib`s port address ect reel index info rom and ram size

I would love to know main or sister companys did you do the software for and what do you know about the 51% share of leisure link had over maygay before igt got there cheque books out

If you still programme machines who you work for now
.._-=It`s not a problem only a challenge =-_..

#9 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 08 August 2007 - 09:28 PM

To be fair all this resurgent crap about Epoch lately is really annoying....... It's not been emulated but how many good Epoch machine have there been?? I can think of 2 -- Compared to how many good of all the other techs?? So Epoch is Pile of old b*llocks anyway in my opinion ;)

Keep it Edwardb - and write it on the back of a matchbox :)
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#10 Nudgeman



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Posted 08 August 2007 - 11:37 PM

Spin on It
Duff Beer Guide

Are the two games you are thinking of.....am I not wrong?

#11 Guitar


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 12:43 AM

All the early impulse stuff was good. Cash flow and simpsons were pretty good. Spin on it, Beer guide (early impulse clone technically).

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#12 edwardb


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 04:21 PM

it is secure enough due to the boot PIC chip.

ok same as all mpu at the mo they are getting cracked each day the u10 boot ic will get cracked like all hardware can be made into software. remember that.

so you are the sod then that wrights the software to work with the mk1 lampdriver pcb`s then gets the updated onestop mod were there power transisters that deal with lamps are bigger and stronger and the change on the ic`s switch input line and the machine`s dump switch dose not work I think bad programmer

you then have the front to say
If you want any info (don't ask for source code, cos you ain't getting it) then let me know. well yes info would be nice to all u10 boot instructions

well cpu info ram device lib`s port address ect reel index info rom and ram size

I would love to know main or sister companys did you do the software for and what do you know about the 51% share of leisure link had over maygay before igt got there cheque books out

If you still programme machines who you work for now

Dear me, did you had a bad day or something!? Jesus man, don't blame me for all your problems.

I used to work for Global (now Games Media, and I left in April this year) and I have never done a UK machine on Epoch, only export products. Which I prefer. Older folk on this board may remember that I used to work at Mazooma from 1998-2002.

So yes, I've been coding fruities for nigh on 10 years now and I'm still only 26 :-)

I had nothing to do with system software; the Epoch/Eclipse kernal was written firstly at Maygay back in 1997/1998 then taken over by OneStop who still support it to this day (afaik).

The lamp driver boards, of which there were about 8 versions, required no software changes other than to switch an output on to enable the 1.3w lamps. God this brings back memories. Otherwise, all LDBs were backwards-compatible. The hopper dump screw up was just down to poor testing of system software, but it never affected me because I never used that part of the libraries. I prefer to write my own.

I know/knew nothing about the Maygay/IGT buyout, and frankly I couldn't care as it's all ancient history.

I started my own company to develop AWP products for the international market, and that's exactly what I am doing. So far, so good.

Also, learn a bit of grammar and improve your spelling and you'll get a lot more creedence with me, because it really grinds me. More so than being blamed for stuff I had nothing to do with.


#13 edwardb


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 04:24 PM

Oh I should have added, lots of games, especially the Impulse and Extreme games, all had different boot PICs.


#14 Chopaholic


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 06:00 PM

Oh I should have added, lots of games, especially the Impulse and Extreme games, all had different boot PICs.


See now this is the sort of info that's genuinely interesting.

I'm afraid the "debate" at FF has descended to something of a low ebb, but if you don't value your sanity, feel free to cast an eye over this thread:

Epoch roms - Fruit Forums

There's a lot of crap to wade through, but how much of what's being said about the emu seems plausible?

I've always been led to believe that Epoch would be a tough one to do due to these PIC things, without going into technical specifics or anything, what's the basic score with them?

Cheers :)

#15 jamesb99_1999


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 06:04 PM

Don't lie Chopley - you know there's an emulator - You are the one who released the screenshots of it on FF.. You are the latest leaker!! I guess we should call you the new Gary - :p
J<br /><br /><br /><br />A man

#16 edwardb


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 06:49 PM

Yep. So what you do wanna know?

*digs Epoch board out of cupboard*

Hitachi H8/300 cpu @ 16Mhz, Actel custom made PGA chip (surface mounted..) for a bit of address mapping, 64k RAM, Yamaha sound chip (same as Scorpion 4). The PIC labelled "security micro" is just a RTC.

The software is compiled with a $&%#y old GCC compiler.

Anything else?

#17 impact


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 08:48 PM

One or two things here darling 1.how well do you know the like`s of mr hall when he worked for global at the same time as your self
2 hows my old friend mr blakeman
3 i am dislexic so don`t take the **cking the piss liv with it like i do
4 i have been working in this game for over 14 and half years boy and i am only 28 come on 29

impulse v7 extreme v8 maygay v6 global v8 all pic s info

we need all tech info i.e pins in`s and output`s of all U.x and other ic`s
sorry Hitachi H8/300 data bus is (16bit) yay or nay

Need all i/o info for the LDB ,HDB, RDB, SAPB, know to me as the (DMDB)for those machines like cashino/club haunted house ect

The software is compiled with a $&%#y old GCC compiler you was coding for maygay/sister companys
.._-=It`s not a problem only a challenge =-_..

#18 edwardb


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 09:37 PM

Mr. Hall? Hmm that's not a name I can remember....I started in mid 2002.

Mr. D. Blakeman is doing OK, he was in a car accident a while ago but afaik he's back at work.

Can't give you any info on PICs or I/O because, quite simply, no one has it aside from the system designer (the same guy who designed SP-ACE and the old Castle/BWB board, indeed) , and even if I did I'd be breaching NDAs I have signed, so no deal. Sorry. The game software just has a a byte defined, which the PIC checks, and then boots up (or not). The value of this byte varied depending on the size of EPROM used.

All I can give you is generic information, because, for the most part, that's all I have. I don't do system software (normally) cos it's a pain in the arse.

As I said, I only did Epoch machines for export which all have the same boot pic, one which is NOT one used in the UK and is specific to the customer.

#19 Toddyuk


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Posted 09 August 2007 - 10:26 PM

Aint a clue what yous are talking about , but its a cracking read ;)
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#20 benflynn


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Posted 10 August 2007 - 07:53 AM

Eddie B.

I know who you are... the mazooma thing brought it back..

Highly unlikely that you know who I am tho lol.. I was a pretty silent observer on the CMA mailing lists when you were working for mazooma.

So all ye doubters. Not that you should have any reason to beleive me but he is who he says he is... and from what I remember a top bloke.

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