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Member Since 28 Jul 2018
Offline Last Active Aug 26 2022 08:57 AM

Topics I've Started

MFME Cabinet - Building an Idea

09 October 2018 - 08:30 PM

Hi All,


As you may have seen from some of my previous threads I have been collecting the bits to try and build a freestanding MFME cabinet. I have been inspired in this by Uptown and Reg and No1Stoney all of who seem to have made absolutely amazing cabinets. I just hope that my attempt will be playable once it is finished.


This weekend I managed to get some time and cut the sides of the machine, and when glued together they look like:


Attached File  Cabinet Sides.jpg   130.83KB   7 downloads


The reason that they are glued and not a single piece is that I do not have the space to handle a single sheet of MDF, so after some testing I have found that I can edge glue them and the result once cured is nigh on impossible to break at the join.


Once these were fully cured (next day) I then started to assemble the cabinet using join blocks so that the various panels can be removed to allow access to the innards.


Attached File  Side and Back.jpg   126.85KB   4 downloads


And once the other side and a base frame were added we have a self supporting basis of a skeleton.


Attached File  Sides and Back.jpg   134.35KB   4 downloads


This evening, I have been trying to create a screen mount and get the positioning of the buttons round the screen to a position that I am happy with.










Star Wars a New Hope - No Game Cart/Board

01 September 2018 - 07:21 PM



I don't even know if what i'm trying to do is possible, I have picked up a Star Wars a New Hope £70 JP machine for essentially free, which has suffered water damage, I would like if possible to resurrect it (as cheaply as possible as the glass is in pretty shoddy shape) I know I can buy a Game Card from eBay and then get the software uploaded onto it. Does anybody know if it is possible to use any security chip? or must it be the one that A New Hope is expecting?


If it is a non starter, I will probably just strip the cab for spares, as I am trying to build an emulator cabinet at the same time.


I've also posted this over on MPU Mecca



Thanks in advance



And so it starts...

12 August 2018 - 09:09 PM

Hello folks,
Over the past couple of weeks I've been assembling parts and this weekend, got some time to actually put some of them together, using the excellent MFME keyboard guide by Reg, I managed to build the attached.

I then decided to move onto trying to get my coin mech to accept coins..... I have got a Cashflow 126Dfx which has been updated to accept the new £1 coin. The issue I have is that every coin that it should accept gets for flashes on the diagnostic LED. Which according to the manual is, 'coin recognised but not accepted due to inhibit setting.' I've read the manual from cover to cover and I know it is something amiss in my wiring, the question is does anybody have a wiring diagram, suitable for use with MFME. Or some guidance for a terminally confused but enthusiastic amateur.

Thanks in advance


Attached File  20180812_221800.jpg   92.79KB   1 downloads

Money Control compact hopper

04 August 2018 - 10:40 PM

Hi folks,

Does anybody know if there is a way to get the Money Control compact hopper to work with an IPac and Pac-Drive?

I've read all the info i cam find and it would appear to suggest that the system is looking for a hopper where the common or -ve is switched to activate coin ejection.

On the compact hopper it is the +ve which is switched to activate the motor.

Thanks in advance.
