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Member Since 06 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2013 09:00 AM

Topics I've Started

Vivid Cons

22 July 2006 - 11:28 PM

Is it not illegal for a manu to make a game where a feature never happens?

Had the darn pie factory for a couple of years (at least) now and despite many thousands upon thousands of plays, it has NEVER EVER given three red hots on a normal board. It only ever gives them on a superboard, or in demo mode.

Therefore, as the public are playing, with the intention of getting 3 red hots, and to all intents and purposes, it will not happen in the lifetime of the machine (or even my lifetime by the looks of things) then its a genuine con.

Surely this should be something that they could be sued over.....

Hustle BBC 3

19 March 2006 - 10:40 PM

If anyone has not seen it already (not been around here for a while, so dont know if anyone has posted about this already) watch HUSTLE on BBC 3 (its on NOW!)

Biggest pile of crap I have ever seen regarding UK fruit machines.

Since when can barcrest mpu5 machines be set to 20 percent percentage via a percentage key?

Since when did the average machine in a pub/arcade show the data it only shows when the door is open, when a refill key is used?

Since when did they start making fruities that pay out their percentage over 10 quid?

Load of balls the lot of it.......

Not trying to start a problem here, but...

17 November 2005 - 01:40 AM

What happened to this emulator seven said would only take a few weeks to make?

Seeing as I always had my doubts about this, and I have been slagged of big time by him (yeah clever so and so, lets call him such and such, for gods sake seven GROW UP), and he recommended other people do the same to me, I just thought I would ask? Its way past the time it should be ready.......

To be honest, if it has been done, then great, as that would be great... But I am a cynic, and I state my mind. The proof of the pudding, will be if proof exists.

Course, if it has not been done, then he will probably use (the excuse that is already seeded by him) the excuse that the negative attention stopped it from happening.

Well, I said nothing for ages..... So cant be me... And a if its that easy, what someone says wont make a difference..

I dont mind being wrong. I would like to see results.

Eeeeeeeek. Pie factory nearly became fire factory.....

13 November 2005 - 06:28 PM

Eeek, nearly lost both my fruit machines (as well as everything else we own!)

Answered the door about an hour ago, and the police were there, along with a street full of fire engines, and we were told to get everbody out of the house NOW.

F****** kids not content with eggs, or stones through windows now have moved onto arson, and set fire to a sofa outside the empty house next door......

Huge flames, burned through the hoardings on the windows, melted roof fixings, and the fire brigade were worried it would spread to our house, or pipes would explode etc........

Luckily, they managed to get it under control, with us standing outside with 3 dogs, 3 newborn puppies, and a street full of fire engines, police vans and cars.

Kicking myself I didnt take my camera outside!

Hope they catch the buggers, and do them for attempted murder, as that was one heck of a fire, and the kids dont know if anyone was in the empty house (like a tramp), or how long it would take to burn our house down if no one had called the fire brigade.

Fruit machine manipulators

13 November 2005 - 06:20 PM

Since writing some ebay guides, I have had quite a lot of emails through ebay, from people that read them.

Got one today from a ebayer who says that he agrees the manipulators usually on sale are fakes, but he has a genuine working one, a motorolla device that has a peice of wire attached.... He claims he can send a video to prove it working....

So I told him to come over to fruit-emu and post his proof, as I dont really believe it, but interested to see what proof he has.

My gut feeling is, he wont turn up - but if he does, what would the video show? Like I said to him, I could easily make a video proving a frying pan can manipulate a fruity, just point the frying pan at the machine and look a jackpot, and then another...

Course I could have just manipulated the machine by normal means to get it to pay out shirt loads before showing it a frying pan, so a video means nothing, unless it actually shows something provable happening.

Can he factory reset, then manipulate (all on video, no cuts)

Gut feeling is this guy, or girl wont show, but if someone turns up with video proof, you know where they came from, and we can disect the video, and come up with suggestions on how to video more proof. Not that there will be any proof, these things are a scam - wire attached or not lol