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Member Since 18 Feb 2011
Offline Last Active Apr 01 2024 01:05 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: upload error

11 February 2023 - 04:54 PM

Won't be getting much commission with the amount of views threads here get now days lol.

In Topic: Barcrest Costa del cash no lamps qork

07 October 2021 - 12:31 AM

It is normally the fuse in the psu what causes all lamps to break. Try changing the fuse anyway even though you think it's fine, it could of spit at the top or bottom of fuse, which will make it hard to identify 


I'm sure on mpu 5 they have a fuse on the mux board which drives the lamps/ extenders. Try that fuse and make sure it's OK.

In Topic: DOND Daddy Scorpion 6 Manual

05 October 2021 - 02:00 AM

Did you get the roms fruitsnappa posted for you? Not seen you post a thanks for the roms yet.

In Topic: Desert island fruits

09 September 2021 - 07:51 PM



Oh well, statistics don't lie i suppose. Most of those are because I lost my collection, I DM'd Reg and explained and asked if it would be okay for me to re-download them, he said "yes" .  This happened years ago and it is not word for word but i can happily provide a screenshot of that from my messages if you would like.  I could call round and tickle your balls for you if you'd like to make up for my "grim statistics".

i would have to decline, if you walk as slow as you post appreciation on layout releases it's gonna take you 5+ years to come round mine.............

In Topic: Desert island fruits

08 September 2021 - 08:31 PM

Member for 5 years almost  69 post and nearly 400 downloads. Those are grim statistics for a layout designer.