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Epoch Emulator - January Update

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#21 killcrazy


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 07:55 AM

Hi guys,


Sorry I've not posted an update for a while...  Unfortunately we're in the middle of a massive project at work and I'm having to work late/weekends at the moment.  This may last until the end of June so I'm afraid there's little chance of a release before then :(


I have tonnes of accrued holidays now that I've not been able to take, so I'll use at least some of these to work solidly on the emulator as soon as I can.


Will of course keep you all informed...

#22 fuzion


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Posted 04 April 2014 - 10:02 AM

Thanks for the update.... but seriously, how dare you have a real life outside of fme.... ;)


// stumblin' in the neon groves

#23 Daryl


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Posted 02 May 2014 - 08:48 PM

As we have now set up a section ready for when the Epoch emulator eventually reaches the FME scene, I have moved this latest thread from creator 'killcrazy' into the relevant category...


...we are in the process of doing a site clean up as you may all have gathered ( you're all as probably as lost as I am getting used to it - and I've helped do it  ;) ) and we are moving threads, posts and links to all the relevant categories we have now set up to help make the Forums navigation section more easier to view and read.


Bear with us please! :)

All The Best

My blogsite is here: click the icon --->   :computer:

My name is Daryl, I was born in 1965 and have been into FME since 2002!
On 23 June 2011, I was diagnosed with Alzheimers Disease  In November 2012, I was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and Parkinsonian Syndrome too.
I can be found at:
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Visit my website on the icon above for my WebBlog, or pop over and see me on the social media at  ---> Daryl on... Facebook.png


#24 ritdav


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Posted 08 May 2014 - 09:12 PM

whats the latest on this?

#25 spa


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Posted 14 May 2014 - 09:07 PM

Might come in handy. Think these were on Impulses website..... when they had one, before Barcrest bought them out.


The random shit one finds on a old hard drive while looking for something else lol




Attached File  Impulse.zip   2.76MB   24 downloads

http://www.youtube.com/FruitVideos - My youtube channel


https://drive.google...&usp=drive_link - My Drive






#26 piesthecat



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Posted 26 June 2014 - 06:38 PM

Still can't wait for this to be released :D

#27 banditboy2006


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Posted 29 July 2014 - 07:19 AM

has the emu died in the end as there hasn't even been any progress in 7 months nearly  but  I hope it don't turn into a epee

#28 banditboy2006


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Posted 29 July 2014 - 07:25 AM

and plus at the moment I will doubt we will see anything from any new emus by the end of the year


as I wont to design a layout for both of the emus but its been a long wait but I how long is a piece of string

#29 piesthecat



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Posted 13 August 2014 - 10:09 PM

has the emu died in the end as there hasn't even been any progress in 7 months nearly  but  I hope it don't turn into a epee

Hope its not dead well excited to get my hands on spin on it.

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