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Member Since 27 Apr 2009
Offline Last Active Apr 27 2009 08:32 PM

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In Topic: Jackpots Rock and Roll - How to dump hopper

27 April 2009 - 07:49 PM

Hi there.

I just tried what you suggested, but it didn;t work I'm afraid. I'm not sure if the refill key is working, since when I turned the key to the right, nothing happened at all. The alpha just kept showing stuff like it does when it's waiting for someone to play the game. It never said anything about wanting the dump coins out.

Here's what I did:
  • I opened the cash door (bottom door).
  • On 'Read Meters' I pressed Cancel.
  • I put in the key and turned it to the right.
That's as far as I got. I did try pressing the green 'Dump Hopper' button, but the alpha just stayed the same.

Cheers anyway, I appreciate you replying to me.