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Member Since 29 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Jun 25 2019 05:07 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Merry Christmas Everyone!!

24 December 2008 - 08:32 PM

Merry Christmas! And huge thanks to everyone for providing such great stuff on here. May Santa smile upon you!!

In Topic: Introduce yourself

03 December 2008 - 04:16 PM

Hi everyone. 2nd post, but 1st "proper" one ;)

I'm perhaps a little older than most on here :) when I started playing, machines were starting to have a Hold feature - had to wait a little while for nudges to come along :lol:.

I gave up a decade or so ago, now when I see a machine in a pub or cafe, I can't believe how simple they've become - I think the phrase Granny Magnets sums it up well (apologies to any Grannies out there).

First one I can remember playing: 2p play with 10p jackpot :lol:, which was actually a choice between 4p and 10p - you pressed a button to stop the flashing lights. There were symbols of castles and crossed swords - no idea of the name but at least 35 years old. Butlins was full of them!

Loving the machines on here... hitthesix, hyperviper and exchanges unlimited... all excellent! I'm surfing on a laptop so unfortunately only the 1024 layouts are available; still, many hours of fun ahead.