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Member Since 24 Jun 2023
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2023 08:56 PM

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Barcrest take it or leave it crazy trails help

04 July 2023 - 08:17 PM

Hi there , its my first time posting hoping someone can help. I bought a fruit machine that was broken for a chance to get it up and running , ive had a few in the past with some good and some not so good success , but ime having trouble with this one , in the machine is an mpu6 , when i first got it , it was showing battery low so i changed the battery which was a cr2032 , this took the low battery warning away , but it would do nothing at all , no lights or anything , so i presumed the game had been wiped by previous owner when he had been messing about , i downloaded which i thought was the right softwhere for the machine but now when switched on i get error 52 , 36 , call manager , no characteriser ,wrong id cell ,any help would be  appreciated