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Member Since 13 Dec 2018
Offline Last Active Jul 16 2024 10:44 PM

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So Hows this for a first build?

13 September 2019 - 05:44 PM

So i love this igrosoft games and wanted to build me a real slot machine, so have made many mame cabinets but this one its my first slot machine wich t was a challenge due to figure out how the coins where going to  get in and pay out, anyway i thnk it came out good, this one has real igrosoft hardware, and a chinese coin hopper, works nice. Next time im planning to build this with mame so i can use a pc instead of the real hardware. Hope you guys like it.

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New build, first cab.

07 February 2019 - 02:58 AM

So this is gonna be my first build, i decided to go with a more diferent style, i know from the picture the control panel has holes for an arcade control but  thats because i am building 2 cabs, one for mame and a second one for mfme.

So i think i got everything under control. i got the cab, the pc, i boght a couple of pacdrives from ebay, but i still need to buy me some buttons and the hopper. Now i was testing the payouts with a led light and all seems to work just fine. I just wonder if anyone can tell me what would be the easyest to setup hooper and cheap if posible. thanks for any advice.


How to connect a hopper?

14 January 2019 - 01:00 AM

Hey thanks for reading, ive been looking for tutorials or help related to this mater, but cant seem to find any noob friendly help. Anyway i got me one of those round hoppers, that are conected to a power source and the hopper has 3 cables, wich are 5v signal and ground, now the part i do understand is ,using an ipac or pacdrive i can send some coin outputs, that part its easy, simple output pulse, now thats also the part i get confused,where do i conect the positive signal output from the pacdrive? And what do i do with the signal cable from the hopper? Thanks for any helo

New guy, too many qustions, can anyone help?

14 December 2018 - 02:25 AM

Hey thanks for reading, 

So i was getting some mame roms at an old site im a member of, and came across with a pack of fruit machine roms and layouts, and it go my atention, now that lead me to the desert island site and mfme and so on.

i really love the idea of having a video slot machine in my collection, and started to mess with mfme so far so good, i like the video type  slots like golden 500 winners, and the dond deal or no deal. and cops and robbers. so everything works just right, 

only thing is , my first lenguage its spanish and i would love to translate this layouts to spanish, so in donds deal or no deal i used the edit mode, then i saved the bitmap of one of the screens, edited myself, tried to replace it in the graphic editor, but the apply option stays greyd out and therefore can save my work.


another thing i wonder is, how can i edit the video or the bfm video  or create one


also can anyone recomend one video slot that does not pay too much, as the golden winners 500 pays alot, but donds deal or no deal kind of pays good but the house dosnt loose , anyway , thanks to everyone involved in this adn great job.