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the god of ears

Member Since 02 Aug 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 06 2008 05:10 PM

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In Topic: easy

06 December 2008 - 08:08 AM

it was'nt actually meant as a threat ,more of a light hearted observation at what might happen if he graced the streets of leicester and people knew about him.

anyway scottley ,nice sig!

and this is for someone else:

позвольте вашей паранойе разрастаться, не зная, что я смеюсь над Вами, altharic!

In Topic: easy

04 December 2008 - 06:21 PM

being as i'm 200 miles from leicester it would make me very happy to know he's at least that far away rofl.

In Topic: easy

04 December 2008 - 06:09 PM

altharic what ever your sig says now ,it used to be alot viler did it not?
i can apreciate you and your warped cronies may think it's funny . i also respect other peoples rights to be apathetic to it.

sometime in the future you'll forget all of this chap ,but others will not and they're gonna coming for you as long as you're such a scummy ****er

oh and a safety tip for you ,if you ever feel like going to leicester resist the urge.

In Topic: easy

04 December 2008 - 11:03 AM

thanks for the insight Z maybe i've been a little hotheaded about this,i'll let it drop now.

In Topic: easy

04 December 2008 - 07:46 AM

i've actually read a thread where someone else has "had a pop",if it were in english i'm sure there would of been loads kicking off about it considering the membership tally on here,but being as it's in portugese it kind of narrows the potential for complaints down a bit.saying that i may be right about the sig hints that you find it in poor taste aswell zoltar,i know it's hardly battle of the planets,but ffs it's a bit twisted:FACT.............