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Member Since 12 Aug 2003
Offline Last Active Feb 16 2008 01:00 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Thank you for all the support i have had

22 December 2007 - 06:11 AM

its like i said you have all helped me through some really tough times and sadly this is to be my last however i will remain strong throughout until the end, i've had a few tears reading through the kind wishes and comments you have all made and i thank you all most sincerely
simon :)

In Topic: adhd update

29 September 2007 - 08:25 AM

hi gang thank you so much for the kind messages, my book is getting sent to several publishers so will keep you informed of its progress... seeing my mp too soon so going to give him hell !!!! :) i found that speaking out and determination can sometimes get results and like in previous posts thousands of families suffer in silence so i will try my best for them to get the help they so badly need

In Topic: A.D.H.D-A.Destructive.Heartbreaking.Disorder

14 July 2007 - 12:23 PM

Thanks mate for your comments you are all a great crowd here and have helped me thru some tuff times and for that i am eternaly grateful

Like i said in the quick reply above , i intend to fight this cause untill goverment give more funding that 1000's of families urgently need

In Topic: A.D.H.D-A.Destructive.Heartbreaking.Disorder

14 July 2007 - 12:21 PM

This is so true about funding !!! this is what we came up against everytime "we dont have enough money for the service you require" or "we are short staffed"

My son is awaiting an assesment by the mental health team though im not holding my breath !!

My mental health has just started to be restored after years of abuse but i know one thing i intend to fight this cause until i get the changes that many 1000's of family's so desperatly need !!!

In Topic: A.D.H.D-A.Destructive.Heartbreaking.Disorder

14 July 2007 - 10:09 AM

Thank you mate for your comments they are greatly appreciated,sadly its too late for me and my son but i will continue to fight this cause until goverment change things :)