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Member Since 14 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 21 2018 01:59 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Alarm Problem (HELP NEEDED)

14 January 2018 - 10:53 AM

Another update seems to have gone back into a loop again with reboot. So am I right in guessing this is a PSU problem? Where would I get the correct one for this machine and is it easy to change or better still anybody a instruction how to do it? Hope you can help, thanks for everything so far

In Topic: Alarm Problem (HELP NEEDED)

14 January 2018 - 10:53 AM

Another update seems to have gone back into a loop again with reboot. So am I right in guessing this is a PSU problem? Where would I get the correct one for this machine and is it easy to change or better still anybody a instruction how to do it? Hope you can help, thanks for everything so far

In Topic: Alarm Problem (HELP NEEDED)

14 January 2018 - 10:52 AM

Another update seems to have gone back into a loop again with reboot. So am I right in guessing this is a PSU problem? Where would I get the correct one for this machine and is it easy to change or better still anybody a instruction how to do it? Hope you can help, thanks for everything so far

In Topic: Alarm Problem (HELP NEEDED)

14 January 2018 - 10:12 AM

Another update seems to have gone back into a loop again with reboot. So am I right in guessing this is a PSU problem? Where would I get the correct one for this machine and is it easy to change or better still anybody a instruction how to do it? Hope you can help, thanks for everything so far

In Topic: Alarm Problem (HELP NEEDED)

14 January 2018 - 10:12 AM

Another update seems to have gone back into a loop again with reboot. So am I right in guessing this is a PSU problem? Where would I get the correct one for this machine and is it easy to change or better still anybody a instruction how to do it? Hope you can help, thanks for everything so far