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Member Since 25 Sep 2017
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2022 10:17 AM

Topics I've Started

The secrets of the golden nile

09 March 2021 - 07:27 PM

Hi hope everyone is keeping well. I'm just wondering if this has ever been emulated. for me this is where it all started and brings back some good memory's. they had this in my local chippy when I was in my early teens. I could never remember what the machine was called until I see a Mr P's youtube Video a week or so ago. He's got one in his lockup, i would love to play and listen to the sounds on this classic once again. any help would be much appricated.

help downloading

15 April 2020 - 12:19 PM

Hi ive been trying to download games for the last couple of weeks but have not been able to. I downloaded games a year or so ago but now I cant seem to do it. 

when I go to download a game it counts down from 100, then after its counted down it comes up opps something went wrong please wait 100 seconds and refresh, I thought it might be because I haven't donated in a wile, so ive now donated £20. any ideas whats going on ? its probably something simple, I'm pretty new to all this. any help or advice would be good. and thanks 

Mobile phone

26 September 2017 - 09:27 PM

Im a newbie to this site and this might sound like a stupid question, but can any of the games be played on a iPhone or android phone ? Or is it just on my computer?