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Member Since 15 Jun 2008
Offline Last Active Sep 17 2015 08:01 AM

Topics I've Started

Cops And Robbers Classic

29 November 2011 - 08:59 PM

I have just bought Cops and robbers classic club machine and there is a couple of issues i was hoping i could get help with on here.

Firstly there seems to be an issue with it rebooting itself especialy after a win.
Secondly they payout seems to be wrong every other turn on the board i seem to get the three keys and into the centre so i need to some how change this.
the third issue is i can only play at the moment with the door open free as when it is closed i get on/off alm 48

If anybody can help me with any of these issues it would be greatly apreciated.

Thanks in advance


26 May 2010 - 12:24 PM

Some1 pls help me i have downloaded pub quiz emulations but it says that i have to install "INDE_SIM" first.
I have searched everywhere on here and cant find it i have also searched loads of torrent sites and the file i find is almost 1.4 gig surely this isnt the .exe file i am looking for.
Someone pls help whilst i still have some hair left.....

Emulating Machines

26 May 2010 - 11:00 AM

I really have no idea what is involved in creating a fruit machine emulation.
I am just interested in why all the emulations i can find are of old fruit machines,is it that its not possible to do the newer £35 and £70 machines?Or is it more a legal issue with the copyrite?
I know most people comment of how bad the DOND machines are but i love them cant enter a pub with one without playing it,when if ever are we going to see emulators of this type of machine?