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Member Since 11 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Jan 26 2023 02:11 PM

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Club machine from late 1980's help.

15 February 2015 - 10:01 AM


I met up with some old pals from when I was at school and some had old photo's of us at a snooker hall we used to go to when we were 18 or so.

1 of the photos had me and an ex girlfriend by a fruit machine called Sweepstake and next to that machine was the one I cant remember the name of. My old mates tried to recall the name as we all played fruities back then but none of us remember the name.

It was a £100 jackpot machine and I think it had something to do with oasis and some of the reels had palm trees on it and you could gamble 1-1/2 2, 3 ,4 ,6 and 12 times the winning stake I think.

I hope somebody could help me find the name of this machine and if it's been emulated somewhere.

