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Member Since 24 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Nov 16 2007 02:41 AM

Topics I've Started

P4 overclocked to 7.1Ghz

13 August 2005 - 11:12 PM

japanese dude overclocked his P4 to 7.1Ghz heh check it out...


Looking for a variation of the machine tutti frutti

02 August 2005 - 03:51 AM


Only one i can seem to find on the site is £8 jackpot 10p ago. One in my local arcade was 25p ago with a £15 jackpot anyone know what it was called or if its on the site please. Would be much apreciated.

thank you.

Wonder if this machine is on the site?

26 July 2005 - 09:23 PM

Dont know the name :( but will try to explain what its like.

Its very close to the machines Tutti Frutti / crazy fruits which are on this brilliant site but the machine i'm on about the jackpot was 15quid. The difference with the machine i'm trying to find is their was kind of 3 gold rings at the top with a button in the middle, when you got into that feature i think it was you pressed the button to see what you won. i know ive probley explained it very poorley just hopeing it clicks in someones head.

thanks in advance.

Any advise how to make reels spin faster in mfme plz?

23 July 2005 - 08:13 PM


Some of the machines are ok and then others like snakes and ladders, andy capp and viva las vegas 6 are real slow i mean i can hit spin the real and pop downstairs make a cuppa come back up and the 3rd reel is just coming round :) joking ofcourse but they seem to be so slow when you get onto the feature board its fine. Wonder if anyone knows maybe how to tweak the config in mfmeV2 to make the reels go round faster?

heres my favrate machines, but have really slow reel spins.

Andy Capp 1280 DX
Viva Las Vegas 6 WDX

any help would be apreciated thanks.

Road To Wembley 1280 DX

20 July 2005 - 06:12 PM

BFMulator Machine


Ran it today, scared me to bloody death :) after loading it it reset my pc. I thought xp was unable to crash (well never happend to me) So after pc rebooted and ran the BFMulator emulater again i tryed the machine again same thing again it rebooted my pc, but this time i got a message up saying critical error and something started to scan my disk and said it was deleteing stuff. Anyways one thing i did see it deleted was winrar.exe so i had to install winrar again, no biggie just wondering anyone else got this bug?