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Judas Mesias

Member Since 29 Dec 2007
Offline Last Active May 07 2008 03:50 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: club cluedo

12 March 2008 - 11:06 PM

hi guys i got a club cluedo at my work place set at 5p play £100 jackie
i know im gonna get bollocked probably but does anyone have any tips for this as im an agency guy and would really love to make them regulars cry..
p.s iv'e been playin it on the emu but it's set at 20p £250 so dont feel like the one at work all tips appreciated

take a loptop to work:bigeyes23:

In Topic: Orange competition Free credit pay as you go

12 March 2008 - 10:59 PM

my mam had like 500 free texts on her o2 phone last month i say to her why dont you use thesse her responce i dont like to f*** text do i im thinking calm down jesus ask simple question i changed her price plan to calls explained for hour what i did

In Topic: Get your claims in.

12 March 2008 - 10:56 PM

Absolute Poker's Response to the "Superuser" Account Controversy: The Aftermath
Dont know how tru that is nothing to do betting thing which should be thrown
Out of court he wins that case then every man and his dog be able to claim There loses back ..

nice chipmunk there:bigeyes13:

In Topic: Get your claims in.

12 March 2008 - 10:55 PM

i have asked for self exsclusion at a multitude of online gaming sites yet months later im still alowed to play in difrfrent names with the same adress and card details even if did f*** up and allow him to play it his own dam fault
soon as you ask site to ban who beacuse your a addict they instantly recomend gamcare ect and a paid service to block all gambling sites from opening on pc so at end of day is his own stupid fk fault
i can see bookies paying out every loser who trys it on like the nob in my local bookies other week arguing toss over pound bet that he never put on a f*** pound quid total winnings and he argues over it threating to kill staff and blow up there car

think his name was gary:bigeyes19:

In Topic: MAYGAY Hot Gothic

15 February 2008 - 06:15 PM

Ermmm..is it just me or...

according to when i last looked he would of been 21 about 2 weeks ago i didnt realise he was that sad as to change bday but i guess i was wrong