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Member Since 01 Jul 2003
Offline Last Active Yesterday, 02:33 AM

Topics I've Started

{MPU4}Criss Cross Crazy DX

09 January 2018 - 10:45 PM

File Name: Criss Cross Crazy DX

File Submitter: ploggy

File Submitted: 09 Jan 2018

File Category: MPU4

This is straight conversion of the DX I originally did on Project Amber with Guitar, which is called Criss Cross Crazy.  A mid-tech machine that was made by Coinworld in the late nineties on the MPU4 tech.  Set to £5/10p/92%. 
Make sure to use the latest version of MFME for this layout, which at time of uploading is MFME6.0.  So you can get full meter/payout sounds effects, and also V6 is the only version of MFME that supports these Coinworld machines.
Huge thanks for this layout go out to the following people:
Guitar:  For help in creating the original Project Amber layout.
Reg:  For help in getting the Coinworld CHR working.
SPA:  For the photos that were used.
Wizard:  For MFME, and for adding full Coinworld emulation support. :)
Shortcuts for this are:
Cancel/Collect - ` or C
Hold/Nudge 1 - 1
Hold/Nudge 2 - 2
Hold/Nudge 3 - 3
Streak - S
Start/Gamble - Space 
£1 Insert - 0

Click here to download this file

Fruit Machine General Release Dates In The UK

03 January 2018 - 04:02 PM

Howdy, folks. :)


Can anyone help me out with some release dates on the following machines?  I want to know when these machines were first released in the wild in the UK.  Been looking around on Google, etc, trying to find information on them, but have come back empty. :(


I just need the information for my release notes on the emulator, as I'm currently getting all my layout fully updated for MFME6+


Here's the list of machines:


Five Penny Nudger (MDM - MPS)
Around the World Club (Crystal - System 5)
Pac-Man (Mazooma - S4)
Pac-Man (QPS - S4)
Reely Crazy (BFM - S4)
Super Multi Nudge (Concept - S2)
The Big Breakfast (BFM - S4)
Viva Mexico (BFM - S4)

Hearts Of Gold (Astra)

29 December 2017 - 07:39 PM

Here's the next one coming from me.  Looks like Astra's take on Red Hot Roll.  Set to £25/30p/92%.  Picture of what it looks like attached. :)

{SRU}Each Way Shuffle Deluxe DX

07 December 2017 - 09:34 PM

File Name: Each Way Shuffle Deluxe DX

File Submitter: ploggy

File Submitted: 07 Dec 2017

File Category: SRU

Another SRU done.  This time it's Each Way Shuffle Deluxe's turn.  Basically the £3 version of Each Way Shuffle; which was done by CTL, instead of JPM.  Set to £3/10p/78%.
Strange quirk with this one though compared to the Super Each Way Shuffle I did previously.  The 8 nudges lamp comes on after you've shuffled the reels on this, and I don't know why.  I'm pretty sure it's a rom/game problem, and not an emulator issue, as it doesn't do it on Super Each Way Shuffle.  Doesn't affect the gameplay at all.  Just weird that it happens, that's all. :)
Huge thanks goes out to the following people:
Decaff:  For reel images.
instance automatics: For the picture that was used.
Wizard:  For MFME, and SRU emulation.  :)
Shortcuts are as follows:
Cancel/Gamble - ` or G
Nudge Up - N or U
Hold/Nudge 1 - 1
Hold/Nudge 2 - 2
Hold/Nudge 3 - 3
Start/Collect - Space or C
Shuffle - S
Feature Stop - F
10p Cash Insert - 0
10p Token Insert - 9
50p Cash Insert - 8

Click here to download this file

{SRU}Nudge Double Up Deluxe DX

20 November 2017 - 08:20 PM

File Name: Nudge Double Up Deluxe DX

File Submitter: ploggy

File Submitted: 20 Nov 2017

File Category: SRU

Another great classic to bring you all.  This time it's a DX for JPM's iconic nudger, Nudge Double Up Deluxe.  Set to the more common £1/5p - 74%.  I've decided to release this with a factory reset ram file, as it plays a lot better from a fresh restart.  Use MFME5.1 to play. :)
People who made this layout possible are:
Decaff:  For the reel images.
Gary:  For the roms.
instance automatics:  For the picture.
Louie Bee:  For uploading the roms.
riche100:  For the manual.
Wizard:  For MFME. :)
Shortcuts are as follows:
Cancel/Gamble - ` or G
Hold/Nudge 1 - 1
Hold/Nudge 2 - 2
Hold/Nudge 3 - 3
Start/Collect - Space
Nudge Up - U
Nudge Down - D
10p Cash Insert - 0
5p Cash Insert - 9
50p Cash Insert - 8
10p Token Insert - 7

Click here to download this file