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Member Since 09 Feb 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 27 2011 01:52 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Introduce yourself

14 April 2008 - 01:36 PM

been coming here for years ..was jollygems changed my name ....found out about fruit emulation on dave pooks old site the original dxcellent,,when it closed and fruit emu started i came here .....yes i know i aint posted much on here in fact i can count my posts on one hand and also they have all been made in the last week ....have always been here just been in the background ..watching.:bigeyes14:

In Topic: Bastard God Bothers

14 April 2008 - 01:23 PM

if they come to your flat again ...answer the door naked covered in chicken blood with a hack saw in your hand..they will never come again its a cert.....or just tell them you are catholic and the f***ers know they have no chance of converting you then..they will run:bigeyes20:

In Topic: Should Pub Landlords Rely on Fruities As Their Livelihood?...

10 April 2008 - 10:49 AM

thats one thing thats never happened to me ..but im not suprised that its happened to you mate ..the 2 local pubs where i live ..i would on a regular basis win big on the fruities on those pubs ...i was even clocked at a none stop 9 hours playing on impulse's wipeout in my closest local pub...and i walked away with more than i put in ......did anyone winge??? did they f***...didnt care a toss ....mind you i bought a far amount of beer while i was in the pub too mind ....sounds like you lads just come up against some right twats ...its a shame