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Member Since 07 Jan 2006
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2006 04:22 PM

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In Topic: buying real fruits

12 January 2006 - 04:23 PM

mind you all teh seller has to do is disconnect the relevant things, even if they are left in place, up to the buyer then if they want to plug 'em back in.

In Topic: ...am I mental? Lo-Tech machine wanted :D

11 January 2006 - 09:14 AM

well cant you set the machines to have their lowest payout setting?

i think someone needs to take the keys away to the cash box.


In Topic: Who is your favourite fruit machine manufacturer?

11 January 2006 - 08:55 AM

'the reel thing' by crystal/ace/jpm whatever.

I picked this one through bias, I have the real machine in my house!

But it is good fun and the repeater £15 jackpot is cool when you get it three times in a row!

but i can set the payout percentage, so i cheat.

big money box, with no money in it.



3D virtual reality voice chat server.

In Topic: Make a working slot machine with a PC?

11 January 2006 - 08:47 AM

well surely, given a bit of investigation, the CPU opcodes can be found to the specific processors used in these machines, even RS should be able to give you that information. The CPU's will be some sort of microcontroller, probably with one rom file attached to it, these will all be standard components, I'm certain. then all you need, after you have the instruction set of the cpu in question is an epprom programmer, (which there are DIY kits for, to download the information from the rom, and then it can be turned back into the assembly lanuage it was created from, because the speed of the CPU will demand that the rom was programmed in machine code.

Bit longwinded, but I could do it, I used to use microcontrollers on Traffic light systems, and some of the 4 way ones you see (SPW) in little yellow boxes (the road works type) I actually designed. (its all my fault).

oh if you were concidering using rs232 on a pc, theres also the parrallel port to concider. it latches its signals for one, (very useful) and you can encode the signals to get many more down it at once.

Seems very long winded though, why not just buy a real machine? even a bust one? that would give you all the resources you'd need, as well as indepth knowledge of signals and operations.

(mind you i made a fruit machine of my own design, allbe it direct 3d, its on the downloads section)

In Topic: buying real fruits

07 January 2006 - 09:40 AM

Hi, I'm new to this board, but I can confirm that the last statement is correct, I myself bought a machine (Reel Thing - ACE) from EBay recently, and it is fully functional, but you do have to sign the waver.

Hope it doesnt include making a profit from family members. hehehe.
