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Member Since 28 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Sep 09 2023 12:59 AM

Topics I've Started

Help me find this Fruit machine plz

14 February 2007 - 01:05 PM

Hi guy's

I've been looking to buy a fuit machine called Club65 Special, my mother use to be the Steward at a Labour Club and they had this fruit machine there for about 10 years, everybody loved it.

I've recently moved into a study and have a nice location for a fruit machine and this is the one I've been trying to find for the past 3 years, but, with no joy!

I've asked the people who we hired it from but they dont have the druit machine in stock anymore and don't know where I could find it.

Is there anyone on here that has any contacts or sites or anything that could give me a lead in purchasing this fruit machine.

Thank's for reading



£1000 Fruiters

19 July 2004 - 06:00 PM

Is there anymore £1000 fruiters around guys.

I downloaded the Thunderbirds fruiter and thought it was amazing lol.

I have had a brief look through the Downl;oads but didn't realy pick anything up...?

ebay question

02 July 2004 - 01:33 PM

I hear alot of people requesting for thier own personal favorite fruit machine, alot of people wave them in the direction of ebay.

I havn't been using ebay for that long and just wondering if I am doing something wrong with searching for fruit machines on the site...?

I have created a account with ebay and done a search with all fieds open for fruit machine(s), all I keep getting back apart from 1 realy ancient Fruiter from the 70's is a CD with all the fruiters on which I can download from this site for nothing :/

SO basicaly I want to know is am I missing something from doing a search, ie, missing some filter options or WHY...?



Info Needed on buying!

30 June 2004 - 10:32 PM

O.K. before I start i'd just like to say a very BIG! thankyou to the people who make this site possible! WELL PLAYED my friends!

As for my Topic, I have been hooked on a Fruit Machine at our local Club for the past 10 yrs+ the machine is so addictive they still have it there and still no sign of the Old Girl retiring, the name of the Fruit Machine is Club 65, whos makers are BFMulator.

Anyways I'm from the U.K. (South West) could anybody (if possible) tell me where or who I could contact as to inquire about buying a Club 65 for my home...?

I have inquired at my local club but the people they got the machines off of are hired and are abit reluctiant to give any information about who and where they purchase their machines from.

