Dear all I am having trouble with it's amazing on V19 every time I reset roms the machine errors out with device changed any ideas would be appreciated
- Fruit-Emu
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: 1969kappa
About Me
47 loved fruit machines since i was in early teens(yes we had them back then)tend not to play real ones now (money side)but love retro machines brings back memory's as i probably know where i first played each one (sad i know)
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- Group Regulars
- Active Posts 107
- Profile Views 6872
- Member Title South Park fan
- Age 55 years old
- Birthday July 25, 1969
Manchester United( mid 80's-mid 90'Home and Away),Music (all from Motown to Trance and house), Fruit Machines up to about £25 Jackpot's I think the fun has gone out of the new ones robbing BA**&%D's and my wife of 17 years also 3 kid's 1 Grandson and our new saffy/pit cross the softest mental dog i have ever had
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Barcrests It's Amazing £70/£1 Wdx
26 July 2019 - 10:40 PM
10 February 2019 - 07:55 PM
Dear all
I am in need of a MPU4 mod 4 board does not have to be working I need one chip of it so battey damage is not an issue I would like any offers to be sensibly priced if poss thank you 1969kappa
Hyper Viper
07 July 2018 - 02:04 PM
I was wondering if any members have a knowledge on coin mechs as I own a Hyper Viper machine by BWB unfortunately it is on old pound coins is there anyway for me to change it over to the new pound coins as old ones are like rocking horse sh1t nowadays thank you in advance for any replies or advice
12 April 2018 - 07:21 PM
Can anyone point me in the right direction to get 6.1 emu cant find it
Not a topic
13 April 2017 - 04:19 PM
Not a discussion topic just a thank you to all you who make my time playing these bandits such great fun and since the introduction of MFME 5 and up these machines have improved in the sounds and play ability and allowed a lot of my old favourites to eventually emulated keep it up thank you from a grateful member
- Fruit-Emu
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: 1969kappa
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