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Member Since 17 Dec 2009
Offline Last Active May 30 2020 09:58 PM

Topics I've Started

varta mempacs batterys ( a bit of fictional fun )

02 November 2013 - 03:36 PM

a bit of fictional fun



Today in the high court the varta mempac family were finally convicted of murder, serious damage and alkaline poisoning

in court the younger green mempac tried to put all the blame on there older parents blue mempac for teaching them bad habits,

the judge had none of it saying that power had gone to there heads with no self control you went on a rampage for that you will all be put into solitary confinement and your only outlet to the outside world will be through an intermediary MR FLYWIRE,

A spokes person for the boards families affected quoted in saying " we are happy with the outcome and will work longer and harder with out fear of reprisals now that the varta mempac family are no longer connected to us and have been seen at last for who they really are."





Barcrest 1980's GhostBuster help requested

16 January 2010 - 12:13 AM

Hi all
ive a small problem with a barcrest 1980's ghostbuster, just put a replacement mpu4 in and got it up and running but the lights for the buttons seam to be all over the place, the cancel and reels dont light up at but all bulbs are fine, when it holds the buttons for take cash, take feature and start flash and if you hold any reels the third reel flashes as if its the cancel buttons light and the light corrisponding to the held reel stays on, rather confusing when your trying to play it, has anyone got a service manual for this machine or any help would be nice
heres a piccy of the machine

bfm star prize help requested

06 January 2010 - 02:44 AM

firstly i'd like to thank you all for such a great site i managed to fix a franky dettories 7th heaven by just reading the many posts of q's and A's hours of reading :wacko:but well worth it:D
secoundly i have a bfm star prize machine which i have managed to get up and running ( scorpion 4 board ) but i have a small problem with some lights staying on which wont go out, has anyone got a service manual for this particular machine, as i fancy having a go at tracing the fault , any help would be greatly appriciated
cheers john