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#41 vectra666


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Posted 09 January 2017 - 07:00 PM

here's the settings i've got on shark ravin mad, altered the volume on this one but can,t seam to on vamp it up 1024wdx's

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#42 stanmarsh14



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Posted 09 January 2017 - 10:51 PM

I've just done all of the Union Games layouts over at DAD's, but as you will note in another thread there, is some that will not work.....

http://dadsfme.co.uk...php?topic=558.0(Fixed layouts)


http://dadsfme.co.uk...php?topic=556.0(Faulty ones)

#43 wearecity


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Posted 10 January 2017 - 11:34 AM

Cash N Burn 1280 by Pook. Absolutely gorgeous DX.


I had to muck about with this one for ages, before it finally runs, had several problems.


Anyway now it plays with doors closed, in and out meters registering, no refill message on start up, no hopper empty or other hopper error on payout.


So I hope no one minds, in particular Pook, but I've attached it here.

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#44 wearecity


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Posted 10 January 2017 - 11:07 PM

Viva Mexico - This had no hoppers sets, check hopper 2 only.


Very Rich Geezer - This has a trace alarm 92, I believe no one knows what this is - Other than that, add checkbox 32, to clear refill message.


Also a good place to perhaps, remind people on how to turn sound up on scorpion 4 layouts, press f9, then tick refill. Now press the start button until you get to volume control, one more press will show vol main and then use buttons such as hold 1 and cancel to turn up and down volume. Sometimes by pushing other buttons, such as on this particular machine the stop and transfer, you can change other sounds, in this case the jackpot volume. Once done, don't forget to untick the refill button.


Tic Tac 2 - Need to go into configuration and change coin mech to Parallel. You do need to save changes and reload layout for it to take effect.


The Royle Family - I added hopper 2, to get rid of the refill warning on start up.

#45 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 08:20 AM

The Royle Family - I added hopper 2, to get rid of the refill warning on start up.


This should have no hoppers checked as it uses a serial hopper. If you see loads of coin on/coin off messages in diag with misc checked on start up it shows you have it set wrongly!


It's always worth going into Coin Out Test and checking

Edited by Wizard, 11 January 2017 - 08:21 AM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#46 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 08:23 AM

Another quick tip on setting the volume on Union Games, Go into Test Mode, select Test 8, hold down 1st Hold button and alter volume using hold 2 and hold 3

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#47 wearecity


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 09:23 AM


This should have no hoppers checked as it uses a serial hopper. If you see loads of coin on/coin off messages in diag with misc checked on start up it shows you have it set wrongly!


It's always worth going into Coin Out Test and checking


Thanks, for continuing to post further advice, sure enough unchecked both hoppers and no refill message.


To anyone who is still interested, I'm going to continue to post up fixes or perhaps that should be changes to get machines not to have certain errors, such as coins not being accepted or paid out. But it's obvious that I'm no expert and therefore you may have to accept that, there may be further changes needed.


I guess at least it highlights what machines have issues.

#48 wearecity


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 09:36 AM

The Lord Of The Rings - The Fellowship Of The Rings - This had several issues, which I cleared, but I couldn't get rid of the refill message, but with following advice above about no hoppers, it has now cleared.


So another one I've uploaded.

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#49 wearecity


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 10:34 AM

The Big Breakfast £15 DX, I think by Ploggy, this needs hopper 1 unchecked and hopper 2 checked to clear pay err 17. This machine has sound issues. When you go around the board, the sound stops for a second or two.


Take Note - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want.


Stag Night - this needs hopper 1 unchecked and hopper 2 checked to clear pay err 17 and it also clears the refill needed message


Space Ace - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want. You might want to make the coin mech clickable to enter coins. Go into design, edit mode, right click on the coin mech, properties and choose bit0 1 from the coin/note drop down. Also underneath add 0 in the shortcut, so you can use keyboard to enter coins as well, then click apply. As a side note, In the diag this throws up lot of ccTalk Address 28 Bad Checksum errors.


Snake Rattle N Roll - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want, to get rid of refill needed message.


Royale Banker - This had no meters set, meters should be sec 2*1 in and sec 3 *1 out. Make sure sec is set to yes in configuration screen also. Unchecking both hoppers, to get rid of refill cash message.


Rolling Thunder - The coin mech needs changing to parallel in the config menu, to clear the coin mech error 10 when inserting coins. If you already have a coin stuck, once you change it to parallel and save and reload, it will error again, but that will clear after about 10 secs. You can also uncheck both hoppers if you want.

Edited by wearecity, 11 January 2017 - 10:35 AM.

#50 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 10:42 AM

The Big Breakfast £15 DX, I think by Ploggy, this needs hopper 1 unchecked and hopper 2 checked to clear pay err 17. This machine has sound issues. When you go around the board, the sound stops for a second or two.


Take Note - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want.


Stag Night - this needs hopper 1 unchecked and hopper 2 checked to clear pay err 17 and it also clears the refill needed message


Space Ace - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want. You might want to make the coin mech clickable to enter coins. Go into design, edit mode, right click on the coin mech, properties and choose bit0 1 from the coin/note drop down. Also underneath add 0 in the shortcut, so you can use keyboard to enter coins as well, then click apply. As a side note, In the diag this throws up lot of ccTalk Address 28 Bad Checksum errors.


Snake Rattle N Roll - Everything works, but you can uncheck both hoppers if you want, to get rid of refill needed message.


Royale Banker - This had no meters set, meters should be sec 2*1 in and sec 3 *1 out. Make sure sec is set to yes in configuration screen also. Unchecking both hoppers, to get rid of refill cash message.


Rolling Thunder - The coin mech needs changing to parallel in the config menu, to clear the coin mech error 10 when inserting coins. If you already have a coin stuck, once you change it to parallel and save and reload, it will error again, but that will clear after about 10 secs. You can also uncheck both hoppers if you want.


The Big Breakfast sound ROM's are corrupt, I've tried asking to see if anyone has them, but no luck so far.


ccTalk Address 28 Bad Checksum errors are because the Note Acceptor BNV key is either not set up or wrong


If you have a binary coin mech, you need to make sure you use the binary values in the Drop Down list and not the bit(n) values. Parallel uses the bit(n) values


You should always uncheck both hoppers if the machine has a serial hopper.

Edited by Wizard, 11 January 2017 - 10:42 AM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#51 wearecity


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 11:47 AM


The Big Breakfast sound ROM's are corrupt, I've tried asking to see if anyone has them, but no luck so far.


ccTalk Address 28 Bad Checksum errors are because the Note Acceptor BNV key is either not set up or wrong


If you have a binary coin mech, you need to make sure you use the binary values in the Drop Down list and not the bit(n) values. Parallel uses the bit(n) values


You should always uncheck both hoppers if the machine has a serial hopper.


Hopefully the sounds will materialise.


Does it matter what coin mech you use. For instance Rolling Thunder, will accept binary and £1 binary or parallel and bit0 1.


Is it just a case of setting the correct one up, so the emulation mirrors the real machine, or does it really matter? I can't see anything different in the diag, when loading or inserting coins.

Edited by wearecity, 11 January 2017 - 11:48 AM.

#52 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 11:57 AM

There is a pin that goes to the coin mech to detect which type it is. The Binary/Parallel option in config just effectively sets this pin so the machine knows the type of acceptor.is fitted.


Not all machines accept both.

Edited by Wizard, 11 January 2017 - 11:58 AM.

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#53 stanmarsh14



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Posted 11 January 2017 - 01:15 PM

I've just done all of the Union Games layouts over at DAD's, but as you will note in another thread there, is some that will not work.....

http://dadsfme.co.uk...php?topic=558.0(Fixed layouts)


http://dadsfme.co.uk...php?topic=556.0(Faulty ones)


Fixed the Good Vibrations layout, and made some progress with the faulty ones too (Adding ability to get in to test)

Cut N Paste from the faulty layouts link that I could use folks ideas with.....

CRACKED IT..... getting it in to test anyway, but the hopper refill issue remains (Set to hopper 1 in config like the working layouts).

Service = 23
Refill = 22
Test = 21

In edit mode (I used the Barcrest Big Chief layout for this), under config, service needs changing to 23, save changes by reloading the layout, and can now get in to test mode :)

Not worked out the cash door one yet, but that can wait for now..... I'll re-upload all the working and faulty Union layouts when I get a mo, however in the meantime, if someone works out which code is needed for the cash door, that will be handy too.

Note that these switch codes, may also work for other MPU4 based games if needed.

Edited by stanmarsh14, 11 January 2017 - 01:21 PM.

#54 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 04:15 PM

I think just leaving them all blank will work also as those numbers are the defaults I think.


Union games should be using Hopper 3, there is a bug that will be fixed in the next update. If you fiddle with them now, they might break again in the update


I posted a tip earlier about how to change the volume on Union Games, looks like everyone ignored/missed it

Edited by Wizard, 11 January 2017 - 04:17 PM.

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#55 stanmarsh14



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Posted 11 January 2017 - 05:39 PM

I think just leaving them all blank will work also as those numbers are the defaults I think.


Union games should be using Hopper 3, there is a bug that will be fixed in the next update. If you fiddle with them now, they might break again in the update


I posted a tip earlier about how to change the volume on Union Games, looks like everyone ignored/missed it


Looks like clearing the numbers out did the trick for the service door issue, so that sorts that one (Many thanks), and at least now we can get in to test to do whatever maybe required (I assume this works for all MPU4 layouts, and not just for Union Games?)..... however, setting hopper 3 on any of the Union layouts, causes an err 10.1 > Hopper Switch Time Out..... basically meaning that the opto operated for an excessive length of time..... however on some layouts, setting hopper 1, they either work fine or get stuck in hopper empty situ.

So just so we know where we are at, it's something you are aware of, and is something you would be willing to look at for the next update?

As for Voume, not sure about anyone else, but I sure as hell missed it, which is not a total surprise with quite a lot of activity relating to v5.x..... for the sake of clarity (So folks have no excuse), could you do a quick run down on how you do this volume fix?

BTW whilst I have your ears, many thanks for providing a manual override to the audio rate settings..... appreciated.

Edited by stanmarsh14, 11 January 2017 - 05:46 PM.

#56 Wizard


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Posted 11 January 2017 - 06:41 PM

The manual override is just for the sample player! So you can assess various frequencies while playing around. It's not stored anywhere.


Posted Today, 08:23 AM

Another quick tip on setting the volume on Union Games, Go into Test Mode, select Test 8, hold down 1st Hold button and alter volume using hold 2 and hold 3


Yes I'm aware of the hopper 3 issue with Union and I have fixed it as stated above


While Hopper1 may appear to work, it doesn't actually turn on the hopper motor, so you will get refill/hopper empty errors. Wait for the next update

Edited by Wizard, 11 January 2017 - 06:47 PM.

Warning: This post is mostly my own opinions and may contain irony, if you are obsessed with PAST history you may want to ignore it.

#57 richy1976


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 04:18 PM

Had no buttons & reels were out by one fruit.

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#58 richy1976


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 06:22 PM

Costa del cash, change sec to no, change meters, in meter 1 10, out meter 2 10.

#59 wearecity


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 07:18 PM

Thanks Richy.

I have a large update of DIY scorp 4 fixes and alterations, which I'll be posting up over the weekend sometime.

Thankfully most are minor alterations.

#60 vectra666


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Posted 13 January 2017 - 11:58 PM

many for altharic  (also posted on Dads)


Right then Hells Bells 1600Wdx now accepts Notes and its refilled and volume up full to transfer notes two at a time you hold the start button down
i basically copied what i done on pink panther and it appeas to work admittedly the secs aren't completly accurate as should be set to in sec-8 out sec-2,3,8 or summut like that
got to admit the layout is in need of a major update the reels aren't the best, but it was many moons back this was produced as for tommy c's layout that has gone wrong in mfme5 no normal cash lamps showing on my file
anyways here you go

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