People playing more than one maching during busy periods
Started by Mullen5, Jan 07 2010 09:28 AM
29 replies to this topic
Posted 07 January 2010 - 09:28 AM
Not sure if this is normal around all the amusements but at my local people seem to play more thans one machine like one person will be playing all three party times and one person will be playing the 4 hockey cockeys etc etc do you think this should be allowed during the busy periods?
Posted 07 January 2010 - 09:56 AM
Not sure if this is normal around all the amusements but at my local people seem to play more thans one machine like one person will be playing all three party times and one person will be playing the 4 hockey cockeys etc etc do you think this should be allowed during the busy periods?
Posted a thread about this very subject myself a while back..ill see if i can dig it up.
Annoys the fk out of me sometimes..as its usually the same woman that plays them all the time..she will have 43 credits in number 1 .. 58 credits in number 2 .. 28 credits in number 3 eg.
You walk by and think..aww well too bad if i wanted a go on that then as shes fkin hogging it all day and probably has been since the place opened.
Im not in the arcades that much..once a month (if that) but whenever i go in..its always always the same women that are in there..and they say men are more prone to gambling ?
Another thing that bugs the tits off me is when there is a 'This machine is Reserved' sign on the machine..and your in the arcade maybe 2-3 hours maybe more depending on how your money lasts..and no-one comes near it.
Fair enough if your going out for 5-10 mins for a ciggie or round to the cash point as i have done it a couple of times..but i think there should be a limit on how long the machine is held for..maybe 30 mins at most.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:03 AM
Found the thread..not about playing all machines at once..but reserving machines.
Similar subject and just as annoying.
Similar subject and just as annoying.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:18 AM
The reserved stickers are a pain in the arse ... some of the more special people in the arcade seem to have a stash with them at all times they can be playing 5+ machines at one time ... what chance do you have :-|
Guest_tommy c_*
Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:19 AM
Simple answer here go over to them and just say stop hogging all 3 machines and get on to the attendants to sort it.Ive seen a good case of this in coral island at blackpool were the resident skankers will be playing maybe 4 out of the 9 there is only leaving the ones which have been tanned bad style:lol:.
Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:28 AM
I dont go anymore (Quicksilver) they dont seem to care one bit ... They always seem to be talking to certain individuals and pointing them to machines.
Better saving your cash!
Better saving your cash!
Posted 07 January 2010 - 11:13 AM
I dont go anymore (Quicksilver) they dont seem to care one bit ... They always seem to be talking to certain individuals and pointing them to machines.
Better saving your cash!
Do ya know i thought that was just me being paranoid..but if others have noticed it too there seems to be some serious corruption going on.
A few months ago i was in an arcade..and there was a woman doing her nut on some 3 player piece of crap..'Crazy Spins' or summat..gawd knows how much she put in it..well over £50 anyway.
So im playing some Bar OXO 10p jobby..and the woman announces..'Thats it for me..ive had enough..see ya later' and leaves the machine..30 seconds later the attendant..young lassie she was is on her phone..keeping her voice down..not that i was listening in to her conversation..but it did seem as though she was doing her best not to be heard.
Probably about 1 minute later..a young lassie comes in..19..20yr old with her boyfriend..goes up to the lassie and asks for change..i happened to glance round at the exact moment she pointed to the machine the woman had lost a shit load of cash in..and heard her say..'Aye..at least £70 odd'.
The lassie then makes a beeline for the machine and starts playing it..within about 5 mins shes got about £60 odd in her bank.
Hmmmm...summat dodgy going on there me thinks.
Mmmmmm...Sandy ive 'ad her ye know.

Posted 07 January 2010 - 11:23 AM
I have to say quicksilvers are the worst at that saving machines for players they like or know i wont use quicksilver anymore in my area they do my nut it
Oh and saying they have no tokens left when you know they have for people they know why do they have to give tokens anyway why cant they just put the cash in the machine like others do i will tell you why cos they CANT trust there staff well if they cant trust there own staff why the Fcuk should we
Rant over
Oh and saying they have no tokens left when you know they have for people they know why do they have to give tokens anyway why cant they just put the cash in the machine like others do i will tell you why cos they CANT trust there staff well if they cant trust there own staff why the Fcuk should we

Rant over
Posted 07 January 2010 - 12:48 PM
I hadn't been in an arcade for years till recently (Quicksilver) Stopped playing them about ten years ago. It was out of interest more than anything else after getting back into owning a few myself. I wanted to see what the machines were like. As soon as I went in I was ran towards by someone offering me coffee etc (keeps you there obviously) Ended up having a go on the only two £5 jackpot low techs in there. I was going to have a go of partytime but as you've said/seen there was this woman on the three machines that spanned that. She literally scowled at me as I approached the bloody thing. Ok, fair enough, not arsed love I'll play something else. I wandered past about 3 reserved signs as well.
Arcades used to be welcoming, but these 'behind three doors and a turnstile' efforts are far from fun. Nowhere near it. Think I went out about £40 quid down in 15 mins.
Surely the industry must notice the losses they must be incurring?. I wonder what happened to profit & fun being included in the same area. Shame.
Arcades used to be welcoming, but these 'behind three doors and a turnstile' efforts are far from fun. Nowhere near it. Think I went out about £40 quid down in 15 mins.
Surely the industry must notice the losses they must be incurring?. I wonder what happened to profit & fun being included in the same area. Shame.
Posted 07 January 2010 - 01:27 PM
I am sure someone from Quicksilver posts on here ... should be good to see what he thinks!!
Posted 07 January 2010 - 06:06 PM
I think it's a case of jobs for the boys. If the staff know there's going to be a steady crowd everyday, then they are going to go keep them happy...probably something in their dress code and conduct that encourages this. The staff are not going to bend over backwards who simply change a fiver every 30 minutes, and cater more towards those who have high volume of change requests..which I know for a fact is in their code of conduct, Quicksilvers in liverpool in the 90's showed me their guidelines and the other "customer bull**it" they had to endure..god knows what ze regulations are like now.
Anyway, playing 2 or more machines..hmmnn, just means they are playing 2 or more sources of credits, so no arcade will discourage that. Then throw in the sharks, the tight network of blue rinse bingo winged grannies, who know every penny paid out of every machine over the last fortnight, and you have a miserable playing experience.
Pure and simple. Don't play there.
Anyway, playing 2 or more machines..hmmnn, just means they are playing 2 or more sources of credits, so no arcade will discourage that. Then throw in the sharks, the tight network of blue rinse bingo winged grannies, who know every penny paid out of every machine over the last fortnight, and you have a miserable playing experience.
Pure and simple. Don't play there.
Posted 07 January 2010 - 06:26 PM
i think in the interests of fair play, machines can be held for say 20 mins. this is ample time for the bank or a few mins for a ciggy.
that said, i had a customer who did a regular 100-200 per day and he asked me to reserve it till the next day.. i said yes
that said, i had a customer who did a regular 100-200 per day and he asked me to reserve it till the next day.. i said yes

Posted 07 January 2010 - 06:37 PM
i think in the interests of fair play, machines can be held for say 20 mins. this is ample time for the bank or a few mins for a ciggy.
that said, i had a customer who did a regular 100-200 per day and he asked me to reserve it till the next day.. i said yes
Sounds fair enough Nails. This woman did look at me like she'd seen a poohstripe on a hotel towel though:biglaugh:
Guest_barcrest junky_*
Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:07 PM
I hadn't been in an arcade for years till recently (Quicksilver) Stopped playing them about ten years ago. It was out of interest more than anything else after getting back into owning a few myself. I wanted to see what the machines were like. As soon as I went in I was ran towards by someone offering me coffee etc (keeps you there obviously) Ended up having a go on the only two £5 jackpot low techs in there. I was going to have a go of partytime but as you've said/seen there was this woman on the three machines that spanned that. She literally scowled at me as I approached the bloody thing. Ok, fair enough, not arsed love I'll play something else. I wandered past about 3 reserved signs as well.
Arcades used to be welcoming, but these 'behind three doors and a turnstile' efforts are far from fun. Nowhere near it. Think I went out about £40 quid down in 15 mins.
Surely the industry must notice the losses they must be incurring?. I wonder what happened to profit & fun being included in the same area. Shame.
Very much agree launton - posted very similar myself on this thread, except for me it was 20 year gap:oh:
Will say it is more the reserving than busy periods - do arcades get busy period these days

Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:15 PM
Personally I dont think it should be allowed as its unfair, especially on mulitplayers.
Posted 07 January 2010 - 10:17 PM
Same problem in the local Bingo hall machine area, from what I can tell people should only be able to reserve machines while bingo is being called (Fair enough, I play the machines but also do the bingo) and the reservations will be killed within 5 minutes of the bingo ending, never seems to work that way.
Think one machine was reserved all afternoon last week!
If I want to stay on a machine and just need to visit the loo / get some cash I'll typically leave my jacket on the seat (With nothing in it!) and leave some credit on the machine then stick it on 10 Autoplay or something.
In an ideal world you should have to pay the attendant a small deposit (£1 - £2) to reserve a machine and then if you're not back in x amount of time you don't get the deposit back, but that ain't ever likely to happen.
Think one machine was reserved all afternoon last week!
If I want to stay on a machine and just need to visit the loo / get some cash I'll typically leave my jacket on the seat (With nothing in it!) and leave some credit on the machine then stick it on 10 Autoplay or something.
In an ideal world you should have to pay the attendant a small deposit (£1 - £2) to reserve a machine and then if you're not back in x amount of time you don't get the deposit back, but that ain't ever likely to happen.
Posted 07 January 2010 - 11:47 PM
Thanks for the link bj I'll have a look at that now.
Posted 09 February 2010 - 06:38 PM
I work for Quicksilver, i dunno which sites you are all goin in but we certainly dont let people reserve machines for over 2 hours on our site like some do, we have a max of 30 mins and that is only allowed once a day, for the hoggin machines yeah i agree we do have a few customers in particular who can sit and play 3 machines all day but if they choose a popular machine and we have a few customers waiting to go on it we will ask them to give one of the machines up, and as for the tokens, yeah we run out once a week on them, not when a particular person comes in.
Posted 09 February 2010 - 06:59 PM
I work for Quicksilver, i dunno which sites you are all goin in but we certainly dont let people reserve machines for over 2 hours on our site like some do, we have a max of 30 mins and that is only allowed once a day, for the hoggin machines yeah i agree we do have a few customers in particular who can sit and play 3 machines all day but if they choose a popular machine and we have a few customers waiting to go on it we will ask them to give one of the machines up, and as for the tokens, yeah we run out once a week on them, not when a particular person comes in.
I don't know you or your rules so please read this reply as someone who is sceptical at that reply.
I'm certain if Mr/s X comes in daily and plays 9 till 5 constant...there must be a blind eye turned at times?
Quicksilver is in the business for a reason...to make money...simple maths tells me that to have 3 machines tied-up with One person who pumps One in turn spends more that the 'occasional' I want to put £10 in an walk away when the machine will remain dormant for a fair while after that!
I know darn well at my Bingo the strict rules don't apply to certain 'players' as they actually spend more on average.....you will deny that and so does my Bingo hall...i'm not a player (i'm glad to say)........it my observations.
Posted 09 February 2010 - 07:10 PM
Well yeah if we have a customer that can sit on a machine all day and not particularly put much in and one that can put a fair bit in we are gona favour the obvious because as you say, we are in this business to make money, if not id be out of a job, but at the same time, most of our customers that do that walk away with most of what they put in anyway so we dont particularly make a lot of money on that machine, but yeah i see what you mean and i aint gonna deny it, i aint the manager of my site so i say it as it is, doesnt really affect me
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