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WIP - Epoch - Pounds of the Baskervilles

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#1 wearecity


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Posted 05 October 2017 - 04:47 AM

Attached File  POTB_2.jpg   225.72KB   0 downloads


This time, I have a decent picture to go by, as attached. It will be 25p £15, not £5 as per the picture.


Few issues/problems to overcome, sadly I don't believe the sound roms are available (as the roms were only 116k/232k in size), unless I'm missing something obvious.


I don't believe we have the reels for this either, so it'll be whatever I can knock up.


There are a couple of other bits, which I want to try to work out myself, before asking for assistance.


Let's just say, despite the above, it is already playable.


I've been keen to see this emulated, as I have never had any good memories at all of, including robbing me of a larger chunk of my Butlins spending money, on the way at a service station.

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#2 vectra666


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Posted 05 October 2017 - 09:01 AM

Reels appear to be a mixture of Simpsons and Italian job 2_3
I'm sure be got the red/blue sevens somewhere as I have these when I made up Italian job ones??
Reel symbols found here, again not sure if I've done the red n blue sevens I'll check laters
http://www.fruit-emu...l= italian job

Edited by vectra666, 05 October 2017 - 09:08 AM.

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#3 vectra666


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Posted 07 October 2017 - 06:50 PM

here are the reel symbols from italian job 3 plus i've resized the original blue/red sevens from mavroz's upload of IJ2 symbols, i've also included the unsized originals for IJ2 if anyone takes that machine on for mfme5+

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#4 wearecity


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Posted 07 October 2017 - 07:28 PM

Thanks for those, symbols are always handy.


I have actually just been working on and finishing the reels. I have Italian Job 3 jackpot symbols as the jackpot, & the other symbols used on my Sir Winalot, for bars, cherries,7's & melon, which I believe are a match for this machine and the plain symbols you posted. Also I've knocked up, some overlay symbols.


It's 99% done.


Attached File  POTB_1.jpg   312.33KB   0 downloads

#5 vectra666


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Posted 07 October 2017 - 08:13 PM

looks great love the doggie overlays lol

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#6 vectra666


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Posted 07 October 2017 - 08:42 PM

maybe to late and not sure if you want to use this but i've made a jackpot symbol for this machine using a real crown and the IJ jackpot logo

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#7 innfection


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Posted 21 June 2020 - 11:31 PM

I've got images for a potential Dx of this

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