crackpot60's Content
There have been 3 items by crackpot60 (Search limited from 12-October 14)
There have been 3 items by crackpot60 (Search limited from 12-October 14)
Posted by crackpot60 on 04 September 2016 - 09:05 PM in WANTED
Posted by crackpot60 on 08 October 2013 - 06:37 AM in Real Fruit Machines
Posted by crackpot60 on 08 October 2013 - 06:15 AM in Any Topic Chat
Hi daryl nice home its about time you got sorted out mate,but don't worry to much about the type 2 you are allowed a treat every now and then like me its a wake up call I know,but I went for my eyes tested and up to now all ok.Your a nice person who deserves a bit of luck your way daryl,chin up mate we just have to get on with it the best we can this is life and life deals us sometimes hard blows.But keep your spirits up and as they say keep smiling its the best bloody tonic anyone can have.kind regards john.