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There have been 2 items by Triton (Search limited from 18-February 15)

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#78978 Which Work & Which Don't?

Posted by Triton on 26 March 2007 - 11:45 AM in General FME Discussion

Cheers, Dez

your spot on, like there's oh so many SRR out there in the wild :bigeyes05:

Oh and as for the 'Lotta Lucks' that dissapeared with Noah's Ark well, let's just say i don't need the info as i'm sure it's more common knowledge than how to flash a X360 drive by now.

jus wondered which ones work on the emulators and which don't simple didn't want to cause a stir but if they are the forum rules, then i apologise.

#78730 Which Work & Which Don't?

Posted by Triton on 24 March 2007 - 11:38 AM in General FME Discussion

Hi all,

have been playing with the latest MFME 9.4 emu, ahh the blessed memories Posted Image

the thing is, i know a lot of the machines being emulated have manipulators/emptiers for them but which work and which don't?

i would imagine that some of them are the updated programs and not all are the proper rom sets for each machine but if people could fill me in as to which emptiers work on this and which don't, would be fun to try em.

I know that Lotta Luck can be done, i took it for £129 last night and before it payed out it came up with a 'Hopper error' message Posted Image

have tried the 'Snake Rattle & Roll' 'Lockbuster' methods but not got them working.

So get posting any emptiers u've managed to do on the new machines
