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Member Since 01 Aug 2007
Offline Last Active Jun 14 2020 05:18 PM

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In Topic: Project Amber The Bugs Problems Suggestions Thread

24 April 2012 - 05:50 PM

user error!
Afaik the currently available versions of MFME is not capable of running the machines that are being released on Amber.

In Topic: Project Amber The Bugs Problems Suggestions Thread

24 April 2012 - 05:38 PM

Hi guys & dolls i am still having trouble getting Amber to work i have read through the pages and followed all the steps i can possibly make sense of and i am still coming up with not compatible :( if any one could shed some light as to what i could do it would be much appreciated thanks for your time. P.S I am using Widows Vista.

what is your screens native resolution? your screenshots are 1200x678 but you have set 1280x950 in Amber graphics options. is that correct?

In Topic: Project Amber - The Installation Issues Thread

24 April 2012 - 01:11 AM

Can't get it to work now getting the component error.Sad thing was it worked fine till I tried the upgrades and now can't even get the original version to install must be some setting somewhere.

I got it to work by leaving the settings in the installer as detected and to the default directory.
I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit the installer detected 32Bit but it seems to be working ok.

In Topic: Project Amber - The Installation Issues Thread

23 April 2012 - 01:41 AM

I get - The component pack installed is too old, please upgrade it. then - Runtime error '9' subscript out of range.

Have you installed the latest version of the emu?

Did you use the manual method or the installer method?

If you used the installer did you run it as admin?

Easiest way to fix it is to download the "manual install" pack and copy the components.cpf file in the pack to the Project Amber > Components folder.

But please answer all the above questions as there may well be a bug I need to fix.

I now have the latest version working.
Installer detects 'Win 7 Ultimate 64bit' as 32 bit, I was manually selecting 64bit and getting 'component pack too old' error.
everything works fine if I leave the install settings to 32bit as detected.


In Topic: Project Amber - The Installation Issues Thread

20 April 2012 - 05:36 PM

Hmm ok I think there is a bug in the installer go into project amber folder, then components folder, delete components.cpf, then run the installer again.

I'll make sure the installer is fixed for v10111

Same result installer or manual.