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Member Since 24 May 2003
Offline Last Active Dec 16 2021 01:17 PM

Topics I've Started

MFME Red Hot Poker Cabinet Build

08 July 2017 - 08:34 PM

Evening All, 


Following on from No1Stoney's, Uptown's, Andy2003's and others who have built their own fruity I have had a pop too.  Here is what I have done so far: -




This is based on a  Barcrest Elvis Sitdown cabinet which I picked up for £19 (well it was £20 but I found a pound coin inside it when I was taking it apart!).


I am going to leave this as simply a single poker machine, BWB Red Hot Poker is one of my all times favourite games.  It will take coins and pay out coins but so far, all I have done is what you see, made Big Red Poker full screen, it has a touch screen so that I can select the holds without having to use the buttons and it takes new and old £1 coins!  


There is still loads to do but not too shabby!


A massive thanks to No1Stoney and Uptown for their help and patience in getting this far.  Appreciate it guys!


Any input or comments are welcome.

Pacman Ball Pusher

30 April 2017 - 04:41 PM

Evening all, hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend?

Not sure if anyone can shed some light on this. Someone I know has just bought a Pacman Ball 10p pusher. It is claimed that it will fit through a standard door. Does it heck. Does anyone know if the can be taken apart easily so that it can be moved?

If anyone knows if the coin insert section can be broken down it would be appreciated.

On a side note, if anyone has a small 10p change machine for sale, let me know.

Thanks all.

Dongle for Bell Fruit Machines

20 December 2016 - 05:06 PM

Hi there All, 


Wondering if anyone can shed any light on this, I know that I am going to get shouted at for this but I really want a BFM Winfall Fruit machine, no idea why, I just want one.


I understand that the newer machines now need a dongle to run, anyone have an idea as to how much these dongles cost and how long they last?

Thanks in advance all.