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- Submitted: Sep 15 2017 01:00 PM
- Last Updated: Sep 16 2017 08:12 AM
- File Size: 4.74MB
- Views: 2279
- Downloads: 90
- Layout Size: N/A
Previous Versions
Download Sir Winalot v1.0

My 3rd layout (I'll promise, I'll stop keeping count now) is Sir Winatot.
It's by Maygay, an Epoch machine and set at 25p £15 and 82%.
Thanks go to.......
Reg for the hi-lo reel from Club Spotted Dick, Vectra for the 7 symbol reels, & other reels from Italian Job 3, whoever upped the rom to paradise, whoever sold the machine, which gave me an image to go by.
Some notes: The image I went by, wasn't great, but I believe everything is labeled correctly, a couple of things like trail held and lose, may be not in the right place. I've included it in the zip, if you don't know the machine. Reels, no actual machine reels, so I had to make the overlays on the reels as I couldn't find any standard Maygay Epoch reels with numbers on (will update if they come to light). No standard or Maygay Jackpot symbol, so Global one used.
Everyone should have the fonts used, resisted using lithograph as I think the font used on the cash/feature trail, is a far better match to the actual machine.
Err.....that's it I think.
What's New in Version v1.0 (See full changelog)
- Corrected Jackpot amount to £15 from £25
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