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Member Since 23 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 29 2023 10:18 PM

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Donation cock up :(

22 December 2018 - 12:09 AM

So. I noticed a coupla weeks ago i had the download timer and my name had gone from gold to pink. Ah, time for a donation me thinks. Did the donation thing for £20 and chose BACS. Anyway, my bank needed me to log in with my authenticator (use passkey normally as can never find said authenticator) so off i go one a half hour search that included stepping on a cat (she's black and lies on a dark green carpet), stepping on scissors and stepping on cat sick (revenge ?) To find said authenticator's battery had given up and needed a new one.


Ah well, life eh ? Couldn't phone the bank up as it was late so phoned them the following day and it's take about a week. 


Up with it so far ? I bet you know what's coming.


Authenticator arrived today, set it all up, logged in went to set up new payee and................................ i hadn't written down the BACS info. Arghhhhhhhhhhh.


Anyway i went through the donation again for £20 and it all went swimmingly. So you're not getting £40 (wish i could afford to pay that) but £20 which you'll probably get Monday.


So to surmise


I buggered up


I did good


I trod in cat sick


Happy Christmas everyone


ruudy x


27 June 2017 - 09:36 AM

​Can I still donate with BACS system bank transfer as I did a while ago ?


​Ta muchly


25 November 2016 - 08:57 AM

​£25 is winging it's way to you through the B.A.C.S. system. Wasn't sure where you'd want it so I think I put it into resources, but feel free to move to where you want. Or maybe, being Christmas soon, a couple of pints of sherry ;)