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B. Bopalula

Member Since 12 Nov 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 22 2020 04:36 PM

Topics I've Started


29 March 2020 - 01:19 PM

Hi All, the last project (Fix the Global battery) is still working well, thanks to your help. Now on to a new one, Build a Touchscreen Cabinet. I have been given a touchscreen, ex bell fruit machine. The monitor part works well, but I don't have the full driver set for the touchscreen.  I have some of the driver files, enough to see that it functions, but not the setup file. The screen is a Zytouch 19 in and the driver I need is Zytouch Driver Version 1.0.4. I have searched the internet and tried Zytech but they are not interested in legacy products. I wondered if anyone has this driver, ex Bell engineers perhaps, or know where I can get it.

Many thanks.

Epoch memory holdup time.

18 November 2017 - 07:34 PM

I have recently aquired a Global Hey Big Spender (Epoch). After some repairs to PSU and MPU board it now works perfectly. Assuming it has a new fully charged battery I would like to know how long I can expect it to hold up the memory, i.e. how long can the machine be left unused and it remembers its settings. Are we talking hours, days, weeks, months. Can someone give me a rough idea.