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Member Since 28 Sep 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 01 2023 06:00 PM

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In Topic: Quick couple of questions about FOBT's

22 August 2018 - 12:45 PM

If the game is advertised as compensated, then you can compensate just as an AWP would. If it's random, it's random. By law. 

I forgot to mention that when a game goes on a terminal, it is "fingerprinted" - an SHA1 checksum that is checked on startup. If a file is corrupt (or has been changed by an external source, which is technically very hard as the OS on terminals are locked down) then the entire machine will not boot into the kernel, and no games can be launched.


Believe me when I say there are more security and integrity checks in FOBTs than you would believe. There is no room, technically or legally, for anything untoward to occur.


Very interesting, I don't know the in's and out's but with the jailbreaking of consoles the hacker is looking at ways to get into the kernel stack to launch code and that certain components can show there weakness when allocating to the kernel.


I assume the terminals just use PC componants that could be manipulated in the same way if a certain thing was found to have a weak link (processor, graphics card etc) then the hacker would have a way to allocate source code.   

In Topic: Brazen fruitie theft

13 August 2018 - 06:52 AM


That one? He only gets the hopper. Not the note box. Theyre usually separately locked boxes, often in the bottom of the machine.

Ahh yes I see now, I thought he put his hand further down to the left for the note box.

In Topic: Emuparadise - No more roms

12 August 2018 - 05:47 PM

Love roms has shut down also. 

In Topic: Brazen fruitie theft

12 August 2018 - 09:44 AM

Sorry there was a video but it hasn't uploaded.


Basically guys in pub, breaks open the front of cab then dips hand in and takes the box. 

In Topic: Emuparadise - No more roms

12 August 2018 - 09:23 AM

I see this the other day whilst searching for console roms, I had seen prior that nintendo had filed lawsuits against sites/people hosting there roms so thought it was just them that were being pulled but it turns out it's everything.


I did a google search and there are a couple of other sites that look like mirrors of emu that still hosted the roms.