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Member Since 09 Jun 2007
Offline Last Active Jul 21 2007 11:08 AM

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In Topic: Fruit Machines from Australia (Aristocrat MKVI)

28 June 2007 - 08:14 AM

At the bottom of the Ebay item page there is a link to report the item.

Follow the prompts.

I did and the idiot has been reported.

I am tempted to cc Aristocrat as well... they'd LOVE to have a chat with him I'm thinking ;)

In Topic: Fruit Machines from Australia (Aristocrat MKVI)

25 June 2007 - 10:01 PM

You can't run them full screen for some reason although I am not sure why. I think it has something to do with the glide driver they use (I am guess they don't really want to rely on Microsoft proprietory software to make these run by making them Direct X compatible).

The shortcut adjustments are key to making the games run. The link you lads are downloading is a different place from where I got them, so the default setup is most likely different. It would seem you've worked it out now anyway.

These machines are most definitely the real thing. Same principle as MAME. The Emulator is a hardware Emulator for the MKVI architecture and it just runs the system ROMs. That's why there's so many technical functions on the machines.

As for not liking them, that's purely a matter of personal taste. In australia these sorts of machines are insanely popular and it's just what we're used to.

Now that you're all enjoying these - can we please keep an eye peeled on getting any new ones? Whilst they're only so so for you lads OS, they're like Gold to Aussies who can't get access to them at all without plowing cash through them at the local. I know the yanks get access to them easily for use in their own homes, it would be fantastic if people could start running system dumps of those machines and emulate it similar to the FMU.

Or better yet, these 4 machines are here right now - is it possible to get either a FMU or MAME guru to pull these apart and start incorporating the architecture into the current EMUs?

We can only hope...

